Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Cristina My favorite time of day is 10 o'clock at night, because it's when I finish practice, and I can start to relax and enjoy…
Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Cristina My favorite time of day is 10 o'clock at night, because it's when I finish practice, and I can start to relax and enjoy…
Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Allie: Where are you from in the United States, Mark? Mark: The West Coast. San Francisco. Allie: Is it nice? Mark: Oh yeah. It's a…
Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Sarah: This is my mother, in our yard at home. Guy: Let's see. Is that your father? Sarah: No, it's Martin, her boyfriend. My mom's…
https://youtu.be/M-FanlqwhRI Natasha: You work with computers, Darren, is that right? Darren: Yes, that's right. Natasha: Do you like your job? Darren: Yes, I do. I love it. Computers are very…
https://youtu.be/U-JBDWhOS1A Allie: Hello. Are you Mark Ryder? Mark: Yes. Are you Allie? Allie: Yes, I am. Mark: Nice to meet you. Allie: And you. Welcome to the UK. Your hotel's…
https://youtu.be/vS6m-tjOQGI Female broadcaster: And here's Mark with the weather. Mark: Well, tomorrow is going to be very cold here in Chicago, about 10 degrees Fahrenheit, and it's probably going to…
https://youtu.be/sOTfFt9HDKY Jerry: So, how was the trip, Liz? Liz: It was great, fantastic! We had a great time! Jerry: Did you ride your bikes to the South of Argentina? Liz:…
https://youtu.be/Uklq9654TkI Jerry: What exactly are your plans, Liz? Liz: I'm going to ride a bike from Ecuador to Argentina. Jerry: Wow! How far is that? Liz: It's about 4,700 miles.…
https://youtu.be/yEGKpkbviSY Woman: We don't like the room, and we don't like the hotel. Man: We want to go back home. When's the next boat? Receptionist: I'm very sorry, sir. There's…
https://youtu.be/Tz5m0ZGXdpI Man: Hello. We have a reservation.Receptionist: Let's see… yes, Mr. and Mrs. Robson. Welcome to the island. Your room's upstairs, number seven.Woman: Is there an elevator? Receptionist: No, I'm…