Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Two hours later a police car arrived at Hannah’s house. A policewoman knocked at the door. “Good evening, ma’am,” she said. “Are you Hannah Davis?…
Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Two hours later a police car arrived at Hannah’s house. A policewoman knocked at the door. “Good evening, ma’am,” she said. “Are you Hannah Davis?…
ACOMPANHE ESTA AULA NO YOUTUBE Alan: Right. Okay then, I’ll get her to give you a call when she gets back. Thanks. Bye. Alan: Mailready Solutions, Alan speaking. How can…
Acompanhe essa aula no YouTube Mark: Allie, hi! Allie: Hi, Mark. Mark: You look great! Allie: You too. How are you? Mark: I’m fine. How was the flight? Allie: Long.…
Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Hi. My name's Mark Ryder. I'm American, and I live in San Francisco. I work for a music company called MTC. I'm divorced and I…
Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Bob: Sorry, sorry! Problems at the warehouse. Right. Hello. Thank you for coming, Alan. Alan: Bob, Jackie – can I just say I’m really sorry…
Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube When I first saw Rosa, I couldn't believe it. I thought, '"Wow! Thanks, Mom." She's very attractive - she has short dark hair and she's…
Parte 11 I have two brothers and one sister; and they're all younger than me. 1 Tenho dois irmãos e uma irmã; e eles são todos mais jovens do que…
ACOMPANHE ESTA AULA NO YOUTUBE I was very optimistic when I went to meet Claire. My first impression was that she was very friendly and outgoing. Physically, she was…
Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Alan: You wanted me? Bob: Come in, Alan. How are you? Alan: Fine. Hi, Jackie. Jackie: Hi there. Bob: Have a seat, Alan. We want…
Acompanhe esta aula no YouTube Mark: Hello? Allie: Hi, Mark, it's Allie. I'm really sorry but the traffic this morning is terrible. I'm going to be very late. Mark: OK.…