Acompanhe no YouTube Kristin: I just got off the phone with my mom. Joe: Oh, how’s she doin’? Kristin: Oh, she’s a little bit stressed out. We, um, we just…
Acompanhe no YouTube Kristin: I just got off the phone with my mom. Joe: Oh, how’s she doin’? Kristin: Oh, she’s a little bit stressed out. We, um, we just…
Acompanhe o vídeo no YouTube Gus I: Can you describe your pet? G: He's black and has eight hairy legs. I: Is he a good companion? G: Yeah. He's like…
Acompanhe o vídeo no YouTube Tim (I = Interviewer; T = Tim) I: Can you describe your pet? T: She's very fat and not very pretty. But she's got a…
Acompanhe a aula no YouTube The verb take is extremely useful. It can be used in a number of expressions. Here are 12. O verbo take é extremamente útil.…
Acompanhe no YouTube Kristin: Hey, I was on the phone with my mom earlier today. I had a nice long conversation with her. Joe: Oh, how’s she doin’? Kristin: Yeah,…
Acompanhe este texto no YouTube Hank I: And Hank, which animals do you like or dislike? H: I'm fascinated by all animals. I: Have you ever had any experience with…
Acompanhe este vídeo no YouTube Alicia I: Which animals do you like or dislike, Alicia? A: Well, I like most animals, but I'm really crazy about horses. I think they're…
Joe: How’s the, uh, how’s the new school year goin’? I know you just started it up again. Richard: Uh, yeah, it’s off to a rough start. Joe: Really? Richard:…
Acompanhe este vídeo no YouTube Ricardo I: So, Ricardo, which animals do you like or dislike? R: I like dogs and I hate cats. I: Oh, why? R: Because I'm…
Acompanhe o vídeo no YouTube Peter Collister and John Collister are identical twin brothers. Peter is married to Pauline, and John is married to Pam. Pauline and Pam are sisters.…