Penelope’s summer was off to a rough start. She had been saving money for five years. She wanted to buy a bright pink motorcycle. On the first day of summer, Penelope went to the beach. She went in the ocean and she saw a shark. The shark asked her for two dollars because he wanted to buy a hamburger. So, Penelope opened her wallet and she took out two dollars. Then the shark stole Penelope’s wallet and he swam away. Penelope screamed, “Ugh! That shark just stole all my money. Now I have to start my savings from scratch.” So, Penelope made up her mind to find a job. She was really into photography so she found a job taking pictures for a rock and roll magazine. Day to day Penelope looked for motorcycles that were for sale. She saved two thousand dollars and she bought a bright pink motorcycle that had really drawn her eye.


O verão de Penelope começou mal. Ela vinha economizando dinheiro há cinco anos. Ela queria comprar uma motocicleta rosa brilhante. No primeiro dia do verão, Penelope foi à praia. Ela entrou no mar e viu um tubarão. O tubarão pediu a ela dois dólares porque queria comprar um hambúrguer. Então, Penelope abriu a carteira e tirou dois dólares. Depois, o tubarão roubou a carteira de Penelope e nadou para longe. Penelope gritou: “Ugh! Aquele tubarão acabou de roubar todo o meu dinheiro. Agora tenho que começar minhas economias do zero.” Então, Penelope decidiu encontrar um emprego. Ela gostava muito de fotografia, então encontrou um trabalho tirando fotos para uma revista de rock and roll. Dia após dia, Penelope procurava motocicletas à venda. Ela economizou dois mil dólares e comprou uma motocicleta rosa brilhante que realmente chamou sua atenção
