Ricky the rat was excited. Tonight, he was going to a Rolling Stones concert. He was going to the concert with his mother, Rhonda the rat. His mother had been to three Rolling Stones concerts many years ago. So, she knew it would be like a walk down memory lane. Ricky and his mother had a ball at the concert. After it was over, they decided to try to meet Mick Jagger, the singer of the band. They knew that the band was staying at the Holiday Inn. So, they drove to the hotel to try to find them. When they got to the hotel room, they knocked on the door. A security guard answered the door but he would not let them in. “Sorry, no rats allowed inside,” said the security guard. “I think we will have to pay him off,” said Ricky’s mother. So, she gave the security guard $200 to let them in. When he saw Mick Jagger, Ricky said, “Jeez, Mick, hands down, that was the best concert that I have ever seen.” “Thank you very much” Mick said, “You really make me feel at home.” Ricky’s mother got a shot of Mick Jagger and Ricky shaking hands. “I’ll never forget this day,” Ricky said.

Ricky, o rato, estava empolgado. Esta noite ele iria a um show dos Rolling Stones. Ele iria ao show com sua mãe, Rhonda, a rata. Sua mãe já tinha ido a três shows dos Rolling Stones muitos anos atrás. Então, ela sabia que seria uma viagem aos velhos tempos.

Ricky e sua mãe se divertiram muito no show. Depois que acabou, eles decidiram tentar conhecer Mick Jagger, o cantor da banda. Eles sabiam que a banda estava hospedada no Holiday Inn. Então, dirigiram até o hotel para tentar encontrá-los.

Quando chegaram ao quarto do hotel, bateram na porta. Um segurança atendeu a porta, mas não os deixou entrar. "Desculpe, não permitimos ratos aqui dentro", disse o segurança.

"Acho que vamos ter que suborná-lo", disse a mãe de Ricky. Então, ela deu $200 ao segurança para deixá-los entrar.

Quando viu Mick Jagger, Ricky disse: "Nossa, Mick, sem dúvidas, esse foi o melhor show que eu já vi." "Muito obrigado", disse Mick, "Você realmente me faz sentir em casa."

A mãe de Ricky tirou uma foto de Mick Jagger e Ricky apertando as mãos. "Eu nunca vou esquecer este dia," disse Ricky.