Acompanhe no YouTube 1. Are you sure…? 2. Be careful with… 3. But this doesn’t mean that… 4. By the way… 5. Compared to… 6. Do you agree…? 7. Do…
Acompanhe no YouTube 1. Are you sure…? 2. Be careful with… 3. But this doesn’t mean that… 4. By the way… 5. Compared to… 6. Do you agree…? 7. Do…
Acompanhe no YouTube ONCE upon a time there lived a King and a Queen, who lacked but one thing on earth to make them entirely happy. The King was young, handsome,…
Acompanhe este texto no YouTube 1.Hello 2.Hi 3.See you later. 4.Sure! 5.Nope. 6.How are you? 7.How’s it going? 8.How have you been? 9.How’s your family? 10.What’s up? 11.What’s new? 12.Pretty…
Acompanhe este texto no YouTube According to Body-clock experts, these are the perfect times for routine activities. Get up at 6:30 a.m. Your Body wakes up with the sun. Have…
Acompanhe no YouTube 1: I usually get up at about eight o’clock. 2: I get up in the morning at 6.30. 3: I normally get up at six forty-five in…
ACOMPANHE NO YOUTUBE Check in To register at a hotel for a stay. “We haven’t checked in at the hotel yet.” Check-in Se registrar em um hotel para uma estadia. “Ainda…
Acompanhe este texto no YouTube The Williams family is very big. Mary and George Williams have 11 children – 7 girls and 4 boys. The youngest is Mina. She’s six.…
1. Believe me. 2. Call me back. 3. As soon as possible. 4. Do me a favor. 5. Give me a hand. 6. I do not understand. 7. I do…
Acompanhe este texto no YouTube I know somebody who has an iguana as a pet. It's a man I work with named Angus. The iguana's name is Iggy and it's…
Acompanhe no YouTube Now Rann the Kite brings home the night That Mang the Bat sets free-- The herds are shut in byre and hut For loosed…