TESSA: Nice daffodils. BECKY: Gorgeous, aren’t they? Can I have a look? Wow, what a great shot! T: It’s all right. B: You know just how to get a really…
TESSA: Nice daffodils. BECKY: Gorgeous, aren’t they? Can I have a look? Wow, what a great shot! T: It’s all right. B: You know just how to get a really…
Joe: Hello? Eric: Hey, Joe, this is Eric. Joe: Oh, hey Eric, how’s it goin’? Eric: It’s goin’ well. How ‘bout yourself? Joe: Yeah, I’m doin’ really well. Eric: Great.…
Letter to an ex My Dearest Susan, sweetheart of my heart. I’ve been so sad since I broke off our engagement. Simply devastated. Won’t you please consider coming back to…
BECKY: Could you give me a hand with this please, Tessa? TESSA: Sure. B: I just, I just can’t get the right height. T: OK. B: Great, thank you. T:…
Sally: Morning. Attendant: Good morning. Shall I fill it up for you? Sally: Erm, no, just 20 liters of unleaded please. Attendant: Ok. Sally: Where can I get some oil,…
One day you are walking on the street. You bump into Brad Pitt. He looks at you and says, "Wow, you are amazing. Come with me to Los Angeles. I…
TOM: Large cappuccino please, with extra milk. BECKY: With extra m – oh Tom! Sorry. Wasn’t expecting you. T: I was just passing by. How’s it going? B: There’s a…
Will Smith has a problem. His house is full of mosquitoes. Every night they bite him. He can't sleep because the mosquitoes constantly bite him. Will needs to get rid…
I'm married. Every night my husband "tells" me when it's time for us to retire for the night. This can be anytime from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. If I tell…
SAM: Ok, so what was I showing you? The food. The sandwiches are all here. The most important thing is, don’t touch the food. Remember to always use these tongs…