There were two brothers who were both soldiers; the one was rich and the other poor. The poor man thought he would try to better himself; so, pulling off his…
There were two brothers who were both soldiers; the one was rich and the other poor. The poor man thought he would try to better himself; so, pulling off his…
I try to stay very active. I play tennis with my daughters every weekend, and I go golfing every day. I used to lift weights, too – and I'm talking…
After my husband got sick last year, the doctor told him to lose 20 pounds. Since then, I've been trying to help him lose the weight by exercising with him.…
I'm sitting at the table in my apartment, looking out the window. I turn back to the papers stacked in front of me. "Interesting", I say, "very interesting". I glance…
Tom: What time does your birthday party start tonight? Jill: At 7:00. Maria is cleaning our apartment now. Tom: No work for you on your birthday, huh? Jill: That’s right!…
Once upon a time there was a widow who had two daughters; one of them was beautiful and industrious, the other ugly and lazy. The mother, however, loved the ugly…
W: Excuse me, is it OK if I sit here? M: Sure, go ahead. W: Thanks.... Sorry, but you're American, aren't you? M: Yes. How did you know? W: Oh,…
Let’s take three important human emotions: happiness, sadness, and anger. When people are happy they speak faster, and their voice is higher. When they are sad they speak more slowly…
A cat with an "incurable" kind of cancer. A job that is always tenuous. Human relationships that are fragile, unpredictable, and sometimes tumultuous. My own body, seemingly healthy- but still…
1A: Are you sure you don’t want me to drive? Look at the traffic!B: Hey, don’t worry. I’m fine. Whoops!A: Careful! Not so fast.B: Don’t worry, I’m fine. Now what’s…