Conversation 1 Gina: I'd like to reserve a place on next month's English course, please. Receptionist: Of course. Is it the morning or the afternoon course? Gina: Oh. How much…
Conversation 1 Gina: I'd like to reserve a place on next month's English course, please. Receptionist: Of course. Is it the morning or the afternoon course? Gina: Oh. How much…
Are men funnier than women? Previous studies show that men tell more jokes, and male comedians outnumber female ones. But why? A professor from Norwich University thinks he knows the…
1. Some friends and I were in the elevator going up to my apartment when suddenly the elevator stopped between floors and wouldn't move. We were able to open the…
Allie: OK. It's this street. No, it isn't. I'm sure she said the first on the right. Mark: No, she said the second on the right. Relax, Allie. Allie: Look,…
Conversation 3 Lorna: How was your trip? Anne: Terrible. It was the worst weekend. Lorna: Oh no, what happened? Anne: Everything went wrong. We got to the hotel and it…
Conversation 1: Bob: Do you know where we can get a taxi? Carlo: Yeah, down there. See the cafe on the corner? There's a taxi rank opposite. You can't miss…
Taressa (Australia) Um, so Queensland has, for a very long time, been seen as sort of the backward state. And then there’s this competition that happens between Sydney, which is…
I. I really don't like those group tours. You know, the guide picks you up at the hotel every day, and you have to go and see all the sights.…
A: Excuse me. Where's King Street, please? P1: Sorry, I don't know. A: Excuse me. Is King Street near here? P2: King Street? It's near here but I don't know…
Charlie: See that girl over there? Dave: Which one? Charlie: The one with a red bag. She's kind of short and a bit plump. Dave: Yes, I see her. Charlie:…