One day, a mother duck’s eggs hatched. All the ducklings were beautiful, except one. He was big, gray, and different. The other animals laughed at him and called him ugly. Sad and alone, the ugly duckling left. He traveled far and saw many animals, but no one accepted him. He was cold and hungry. One day, he saw beautiful white birds swimming in a lake. They were swans. The ugly duckling looked at the water and saw his reflection. He was not an ugly duckling anymore – he was a beautiful swan! The other swans welcomed him. Now, he was happy. He was not ugly or alone anymore. He finally found where he belonged.
Um dia, os ovos de uma mamãe pata chocaram. Todos os patinhos eram lindos, exceto um. Ele era grande, cinza e diferente. Os outros animais riam dele e o chamavam de feio. Triste e sozinho, o patinho feio foi embora. Ele viajou para longe e encontrou muitos animais, mas ninguém o aceitava. Ele sentia frio e fome. Um dia, viu lindos pássaros brancos nadando em um lago. Eram cisnes. O patinho feio olhou para a água e viu seu reflexo. Ele não era mais um patinho feio – ele era um belo cisne! Os outros cisnes o acolheram. Agora, ele estava feliz. Não era mais feio nem sozinho. Finalmente, encontrou seu lugar.