Situação 1:

A: What’s your phone number, Jacky?

B: My home phone number’s 082 9258049 and my mobile number is 607 483 double -7 52.  

A: What’s your email address?  

B: My email address is smit-J – that’s S-M-I-T-J – at coolmail.com.

A: What’s your website address?

B: It’s www dot jaysmith dot uk. Let me spell that for you. It’s J-A-Y-S-M-I-T-H.

A: Thank you.

Situação 2:

Jeff: Excuse me, are you a medical student?

Anita: Yes, I am.

J: Yeah, me too. What’s your name?

A: Anita. And you?

J: I’m Jeff. Where are you from?

A: I’m from London, but my mum and dad aren’t British. They’re from China. Are you from London?

J: No, I’m not. I’m from Nottingham. My mum’s English but my dad isn’t. He’s from Trinidad.

A: Oh really?

J: Yeah. Oh, this is my stop. OK, bye. Nice to meet you.. Sorry, what’s your name again?

A: Anita.

J: Nice to meet you, Anita.

A: Bye Jeff. See you!

Situação 3:

Natalia: Excuse me! Are you Eddy Martínez?

Eddy: Yes, that’s right. N How do you do, Mr. Martínez? I love your books. E Oh really? Thank you. Erm . What’s your name?

N: Natalia Dubois.

E: Nice to meet you, Miss Dubois – or is it Mrs Dubois? Or Ms Dubois?

N: Please just call me Natalia!

E: OK. Where are you from Natalia? You aren’t French…

N: No. I’m from Australia, but my father’s Belgian.

E: Really? Are you here on holiday?

N: No, I’m not. I’m here for work. I’m a teacher.

E: Oh, here’s my taxi. Sorry, I’m late for a meeting.

N: No problem. Goodbye, Mr Martinez.

E: Bye. Nice to meet you!

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