Um, I really wish I’d been able to know my grandmother better. She died when I was 12, and since then I discovered that she must have been a really fascinating person, and there are so many things I would love to have been able to talk to her about. She was Polish, but she was in Russia, in St. Petersburg, during the Russian Revolution and she knew all kinds of interesting people at the time: painters, writers, people like that. I was only a child, so I never asked her much about her own life. Now, I’m discovering all about her through reading her old letters and papers, but I wish she’d lived longer so that I could have talked to her about those times face-to-face.


Hum, eu realmente gostaria de ter conhecido minha avó melhor. Ela morreu quando eu tinha 12 anos, e desde então, descobri que ela deve ter sido uma pessoa realmente fascinante, e há tantas coisas que eu adoraria poder conversar com ela. Ela era polonesa, mas estava na Rússia, em São Petersburgo, durante a Revolução Russa e conhecia todo tipo de gente interessante na época: pintores, escritores, gente assim. Eu era apenas uma criança, então nunca perguntei muito sobre sua própria vida. Agora, estou descobrindo tudo sobre ela lendo suas cartas e papéis antigos, mas gostaria que ela tivesse vivido mais para que eu pudesse conversar com ela sobre esses tempos cara a cara.

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