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Stephen: In the middle of the night I suddenly woke up! It was two o’clock. The television was off! But how? There was no remote control, and I certainly didn’t get up and turn it off. The light was still on, but suddenly the light went off too. Now I was really frightened! I couldn’t see anything strange, but I could feel that there was somebody or something in the room. I got out of bed and turned on the TV again. Little by little I started to relax, and I went to sleep again. When I woke up, it was morning. I had breakfast, and I left the hotel about ten o’clock. Interviewer: So the question is, did you see the ghost?

Stephen: No, I didn’t see the ghost, but I definitely felt something or somebody in the room when I woke up in the middle of the night.

Interviewer: Were you frightened?

Stephen: Yes, I was! Very frightened!

Interviewer: Would you like to spend another night in the hotel?

Stephen: Definitely, yes.

Interviewer: Why?

Stephen: Well, I’m sure there was something strange in that room. I can’t explain the television and the light. I want to go back because I want to see the ghost.


Stephen: No meio da noite eu acordei de repente! Eram duas horas. A televisão estava desligada! Mas como? Não havia controle remoto e certamente não me levantei e desliguei. A luz ainda estava acesa, mas de repente a luz apagou também. Agora eu estava realmente assustado! Não conseguia ver nada de estranho, mas podia sentir que havia alguém ou algo no quarto. Saí da cama e liguei a TV novamente. Aos poucos comecei a relaxar e voltei a dormir. Quando acordei, era de manhã. Tomei café da manhã e saí do hotel por volta das dez horas.

Entrevistadora: Então a questão é, você viu o fantasma?

Stephen: Não, eu não vi o fantasma, mas definitivamente senti algo ou alguém no quarto quando acordei no meio da noite.

Entrevistadora: Você ficou com medo? Stephen: Sim, estava! Muito assustado!

Entrevistadora: Gostaria de passar mais uma noite no hotel?

Stephen: Definitivamente, sim.

Entrevistadora: Por quê?

Stephen: Bem, tenho certeza de que havia algo estranho naquele quarto. Não consigo explicar a televisão e a luz. Eu quero voltar porque eu quero ver o fantasma.

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