Sam: Hello Mike.

Mike Hi Sam. How are you?

Sam Fine, thanks. And you?

Mike I'm OK, thanks. This is Helen. She's a friend from work.

Sam Nice to meet you.

Woman Hi.

Mike Sorry, we're in a hurry. See you soon. Bye.

Sam Bye.


Girl 1 Look. This is my brother.

Girl 2 Wow! He's very good-looking. What's his name?

Girl 1 Adam.

Girl 2 Is he married?

Girl 1 No, he isn't.

Girl 2 How old is he?

Girl 1 He's twenty-six.

Girl 2 What's his cell phone number?


1 M = man W = woman

M: Oh, just a second ... err ... sorry ... a missed call.

W: You have one call from 623 485 531.


2 W = woman W2 = woman

W: So, is there a message, any messages for me?

W2: Yes, James called.

W: Ahh. Did he leave a number?

W2: Yes. 945 0782. It’s on the table.


3 M = man

M: Yes ... err ... can you call Mrs. Kirsch and tell her she has a place in the 7pm ... err ... yes, 7pm English class? Her name is Kirsch and her number is 321 4510. Again, that’s 321 4510.


4 W = woman

W: YES! Call our free number now for more information! The number is 1 888 962 962. That’s 1 888 962 962. Call now.


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